Teaching & Research
Apr. 2023 - Present
Visiting Professor
Institute for Advanced Research and Education
Doshisha University
Kyoto, Japan
Apr. 2018 - March 2023
Graduate School of Global Studies
Doshisha University
Kyoto, Japan
Jan. 2017 - Feb. 2018
Research Fellow
Department of Interdisciplinary African Studies
University of Frankfurt
Frankfurt, Germany
Sept. 2017 - Dec. 2017
Visiting Scholar
Department of Government and International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China
Jan. 2009 - Dec. 2016
Research Associate Professor
Department of Political Science, Binghamton University, New York, USA
Jan. 2006 - Dec. 2008
Research Assistant Professor
Institute of Global Cultural Studies, Binghamton University, New York, USA
Sept. 2003 - Aug. 2005
Foreign Professor (Gaikokujin Kyoshi)
Program for Area Studies, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
June 2002 - Aug. 2002
Research Associate
Institute of Global Cultural Studies, Binghamton University, New York, USA
Feb. 1999 - Mar. 1999
Research Assistant
United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan