​Books on International Political Economy
Africa's Quest for Modernity: Lessons from Japan and China. Cham: Springer Nature, 2023. Author.
Postcolonial Constructivism: Mazrui's Theory of Intercultural Relations. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Author.
China’s Diplomacy in Eastern and Southern Africa. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2013. (Reprinted by Routledge, 2016). Editor.
AFRASIA: A Tale of Two Continents. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2013. Co-author.
Japan, a Model and a Partner: Issues in African Development. Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2006. Editor.
Hegemony and Discourse: New Perspectives on International Relations. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2005. Author.
Anarchy, Order and Power in World Politics: A Comparative Analysis. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2002. Author.
Books on & for Ali Mazrui
Postcolonial Constructivism: Mazrui's Theory of Intercultural Relations. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Author.
The American African: Essays on the Life and Scholarship of Ali A. Mazrui. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2018. Co-editor.
Black Orwell: Essays on the Scholarship of Ali A. Mazrui. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2018. Co-editor.
Critical Perspectives on Culture and Globalization: The Intellectual Legacy of Ali Mazrui. Nairobi, Kenya: Twaweza Communications, 2017. Co-editor.
A Giant Tree Has Fallen: Tributes to Ali A. Mazrui. Grant Park, South Africa: African Perspectives Publishers, 2016. Co-editor.
African Thought in Comparative Perspective. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. Co-editor.
Black Orientalism and Pan-African Thought: Ali Mazrui and His Critics Volume III. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2013. Co-editor.
Public Intellectuals and the Politics of Global Africa: Essays in Honor of Ali A. Mazrui. London: Adonis and Abbey, 2010. Editor.
The Politics of War and Culture of Violence. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2008. Co-editor.
Major Book Chapters
“Reason and Number: African Reflections on Japan,” in Reconfiguring Transregionalisation in the Global South: African-Asian Encounters, edited by Ross Anthony and Uta Ruppert, Gewerbestrasse: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, pp. 41-60.
“Agricultural Transformation in Africa: Assessing the Role of Southeast Asia, China and the United States," in Afrasian Transformations: Transregional Perspectives on Development Cooperation, Social Mobility and Cultural Change, edited by Ruth Achenbach et al., Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2020, pp. 93-106. Co-author.
“A Contextual Essay: Ali A. Mazrui and George Orwell,” in Black Orwell: Essays on the Scholarship of Ali A. Mazrui, edited by Seifudein Adem and Kinami Njogu, Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2018, pp. 1-13.
“Postcolonial Constructivism: Ali Mazrui’s Theory of Inter-Cultural Relations?” in The American African: Essays on the Life and Scholarship of Ali A. Mazrui, edited by Seifudein Adem and Kimani Nojogu, Princeton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2018, pp. 107-209.
“From Bandung to BRICS: Afro-Asian Relations in the 21st Century,” in Routledge Handbook of Africa-Asia Relations, edited by P. A. Raposo et al. London: Routledge, 2017, pp. 153-166. Co-author.
“Triple Tropes of Triads,” in Critical Perspectives on Culture and Globalization: The Intellectual Legacy of Ali Mazrui, edited by Kimani Njogu and Seifudein Adem, Nairobi, Kenya: Twaweza Communications, 2017, pp. 260-262.
“Japan in Africa: TICAD Diplomacy and Beyond,” in Handbook of Africa’s International Relations, edited by Tim Murithi. London: Routledge, 2014, pp. 367-376.
“Africa, China and Japan,” in Africa and Asia: Entanglements in Past and Present, edited by Yoichi Mine et al. [Conference Proceedings.] Kyoto: Doshisha University GRM, 2014, pp. 69-86.
“The Logic of China’s Policy in Ethiopia,” in China’s Diplomacy in Eastern and Southern Africa, edited by Seifudein Adem. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2013, pp. 147-165.
“The Lion of Judah and the Dragon,” in AFRASIA: A Tale of Two Continents, authored by Ali A. Mazrui and Seifudein Adem. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2013, pp. 39-53.
“Intra-State Conflicts in the Horn of Africa: A Framework for Analysis,” in The Horn of Africa: Intra-State and Inter-State Conflicts and Security, edited by Redie Bereketab. London: Pluto Press, 2013, pp. 115-137.
“Conflict Prevention in Japan,” in Governance, Development and Conflict, edited by D. Gopal et al. London: Emerland Publishers, 2011, pp. 152-165.
“Japan in Africa,” in Africa and the World, edited by Jack Mangala. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, pp. 103-113.
“Africanity, African Intellectuals and the Study of Ethiopia,” in Research in Ethiopian Studies, edited by Svein Ege et al. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 366-377.
“Is Japan’s Cultural Experience Relevant for Africa’s Development?” in Japan, a Model and a Partner: Views about African Development, edited by Seifudein Adem. Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2006, pp. 187- 221.
“The War in Iraq and the Ideology of Clashism,” in War in the Gardens of Babylon: Middle East after the Iraqi War, edited by Bulent Aras. Istanbul: Tastam Publications, 2004, pp. 107-129.
Academic Essays in Journals (in Alphabetical Order):
Africa Review 2018 (India); African and Asian Studies 2010, 2004 (the Netherlands); African Renaissance 2006 (UK); African Studies Quarterly 2018, 2001 (USA); African Studies Review 2014, 2012 (USA); Area Studies 2005 (Japan); Asia-Pacific World 2016 (Japan); CODESRIA Bulletin 2015 (Senegal); Diplomat Magazine 2016 (the Netherlands); Global Development Studies 2011 (USA); International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies 2009 (Canada); International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior 2002 (USA); International Political Economy 1999 (Japan); Journal of African Foreign Affairs 2015 (UK); Journal of Black Studies 2010 (USA); Journal of International Relations and Development 2011 (UK); Journal of Oromo Studies 2009 (USA); Peace Review 2024 (UK); Review of International Affairs 2002 (UK); Review of International Sociology 1998 (Italy); Rondo 2018 (Japan); The Black Scholar: Journal of Black Studies and Research 2010 (USA); The China Monitor 2012 (South Africa); Third World Quarterly 2023, 2015 (UK); Transition Magazine 2015 (USA); Tsukuba Hosei 2000 (Japan); Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde 2015 (South Africa).
Book Reviews in Journals (in Alphabetical Order):
AFRICA: Journal of the International African Institute 2013 (UK); African Affairs 2010 (UK); African and Asian Studies 2022, 2016, 2008 (the Netherlands); African Studies Quarterly 2001, 2023 (USA); African Studies Review 2014, 2011, 2009 (USA); Africa Review of Books 2016, 2015 (Senegal); Anthropology Review Database 2010 (UK); Asia Pacific World 2012 (Japan); Cambridge Review of International Affairs 2022 (UK); East Asia Integration Studies 2014 (South Korea); E-International Relations 2014(UK); Etudes Internationales 2003 (Canada); International Studies Review 2015 (USA); Japanese Journal of Political Science 2013 (Japan); Japanese Studies 2012 (Australia); Journal of Contemporary African Studies 2015, 2012, 2001 (South Africa); Journal of Modern African Studies 2021, 2012, 2003, 1998 (UK); Millennium: Journal of International Studies 2003 (UK); New Business Ethiopia 2021 (Ethiopia); The China Journal 2015 (USA).
Op-eds, References, Other Media Inputs in Newspapers and Magazines (in Alphabetical Order):
Addis Fortune (Ethiopia); Addis Herald (Ethiopia); African Business (UK); Asahi Shimbun (Japan); Asia Times (Singapore); Business Day (South Africa); China Central Television - CCTV (China); China Daily (China); China Digital Times (China); Daily Maverick (South Africa); Daily Nation (Kenya); Daily Trust (Nigeria); Diamond Weekly (Japan); Ethiopian Herald (Ethiopia), Ethiopian TV (Ethiopia); Eurasian Review (USA); Foreign Policy (USA); International Policy Digest (USA); Jamaica Gleaner (Jamaica); Klassekampen (Norway); Mainichi Shimbun (Japan); Pambazuka News (Uganda); Pan-African Vision (Cameroon); Shanghai Business Review (China); South China Morning Post (Hong Kong); Standard (Kenya); The Hankyoreh (South Korea); The Herald (Zimbabwe); The Mail & Guardian (South Africa); The Mainichi (Japan); The New York Times (USA); The Reporter (Ethiopia); The Star (Kenya); The Star (South Africa); The Wire China (USA); The Week (UK); Tufts Daily (USA); Voice of America Radio (USA); Voice of Ethiopia Radio (Ethiopia).